Twentieth Commemoration of the Rwandan Genocide
The Tribute Ceremony of the Twentieth Commemoration of the Rwandan Genocidal Mass Killings was held in the Auditorium Hall at B.N.P.G. College on April 18, 2014. The Chief Guest of the program was his Excellency Rwanda High Commissioner Ernest Rwamncyo. The Guest of Honour was Dr. Raghuveer Singh Rathore, International Test Empire of Cricket. The function was presided by the Managing Director B.N. Sansthan Dr. N. N. Singh Rathore. The Principal, B.N.P.G. College Dr. V. S. Shaktawat welcomed the guest. In his address, he said that such bilateral interactions will boost overseas relationships as regards educational, professional and inter-cultural understanding. The Rwandan and East African students studying in B.N.P.G. College did miming show on a song that symbolically represent the anguish, despair and apathy of the survivors due to the act of unbearable horror, death and massacre happened between April 7 to June 1994, inflicted on Tutsis and moderates by the members of Hutu Trib...