Performing Arts of Indian Heritage - "MALHAR" - 2018, 8-9 September, West Zone Culture Centre, Udaipur Rajasthan

The Kathak Dance Performer - Kavita Thakur The Kathak Dance Performers and Artists on Instruments led by Kavita Thakur Classical Malhar Raags' Singer Savani Shindey Sathaye Kerala State Kathakali Performers led by Shri. P Anil Kumar The Performers of Odissi Classical Dance led by Shagun Butani, Director Furkan Khan and Addi. Director Sudhanshu Singh of WZCC, Udaipur, and Director Saubhagya Vardhan Singh of NZCC, Patiala and Director Indrajit Grover of CZCC, Allahabad The Performers of Kathakali In the season of monsoon in Udaipur, West Zone Culture Centre under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India has endowed its Udaipur audience with a spectacular show of Indian heritage comprising of the traditional arts in the form of Malhar Raag, Kathakali and Kathak. Raag Malhaar (Raag Miya Malahar) since ancient times of Indian History and Classical Culture has been sung with notes, sweet strains and lyrics to celebrate th...