Webskills in the ELT: Webinars from 29th to 31st January, 2021 via MS te...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcvX-zxf6lc&list=PLVbJpSlQRESsDePuWOW4lMkSIuk42zlNf Webskills in the ELT: Webinars from 29th to 31st January, 2021 via MS te... : Bhupal Nobles' University, Udaipur, Rajsthan, India - Webinars from 29th to 31st January, 2021 via MS teams Platform at BNU, Udaipur (Rajasthan) https://mail.google.... Inter-Continental Webinar sessions on the creative writings of Indian Diaspora in Germany on 29 th January and Indian Diaspora in Australia on 30 th January and moreover on 31 st January 2021 the webinar session completely swept the academic forum online onboard with the deliverance on an innovative creative genre (Autofiction) in English Language work and its aesthetics by some highly place academicians working in renowned universities of India – these sessions were backed by participatory academic forum from U.S.A., Philippines, Latin America and other European nations. To mention a few of the academic stalwarts – they ...