ELTAI WORKSHOP on 13th October 2023

THEME: The Science and the Art of Human Engineering in ELT All teaching pedagogies indeed a part of societal attributes. From time to time the writers have objectively written about multi-dimensional order of complex of relationships. To quote a critic here when reading or teaching a text - it is not about the "author" we have to concentrate - it is about the "words" which are nothing mystical about the fact that ideas and words are energies which powerfully influence the physicochemical base of our time - binding activities. Humans are this made untrue to "human nature" - and their essential character in material life suppresses their REAL HUMAN NATURE. The workshop sessions primarily would try to bring the link between Science and Sanity that is to make audience realise about the verbal and objective world, which to human senses at first instant appear as structural knowledge, relations and then stimuli to response. So how intentions, ideas, despite...