ESL/EFL : Competency and Interventions for Tribal- Rural Region Speakers

India is a nation – state whose major population of youths belongs to agrarian society. Due to
industrialization, urbanization and capitalistic economy, the rural youth is seeking admission in the metro-
city colleges or in cosmopolitan city colleges. On the contrary the educated, advanced-elite classes of
youths prefer to seek admissions in developed countries of Europe or in USA. The college language
instructors or teachers are well aware of the ambitions of metro youths and rural youths. The teachers are
facing extreme contrast of crowds in their language classes.
Needless to say that the language competency is an important functional skill in today’s technologically
advanced society. In contemporary times of global economy and transnational shifts, the English
Language Development and literacy in non-native speakers of English as regards EFL or ESL depend
in part on the learning and development that occurs since childhood. The trajectories of language
development varies in terms of socio-economic resources and children’s capacity of acquisition as well as
the education level of their parents, but their exposure does stimulate the early literacy factors.
Factors that reduce the risk for persistent language problems include the child being born into a working
family, parental education beyond minimum school-leaving age, advantageous housing conditions,
and preschool attendance. Socio-demographic indicators are gender, family characteristics, parental
education, and employment. Unfortunately the children from rural belt are denied of such environments
and hence they need extra help and attention.
The research study would be undertaken on the basis of the case studies of certain schools that are located
in tribal and rural areas in order to find the difficulties in language application and structural usage in
spoken English. The paper makes an effort to understand the faculties of non-native speakers’ mind
concerning the problems and colossal ignorance of the English language.