3RD DAY - Bhupal Nobles' University Udaipur - Symposium in Law & Legal Studies
The Third Day of the Symposium in the field of Law and Legal Studies was convened, organised and coordinated by Dr Jayshree Singh, an Adjunct Faculty in law, BNU Udaipur to teach Legal English Writing and Research held on the theme - "A Concept of Liability and its Variables" from 25th - 31st march 2022, had resource persons such as - Formerly District Court Judge and Senior Advocate in Sessions Court, Udaipur. He threw light on the current possibilities of finding more types of vicarious liabilities in the law of land revenue. Professor of Civil & Private law, Dr Salvatore Tolone Azzariti, expert in the law of Tort delivered his online discourse upon the topic 'Recovery of Damages, Punitive Damages and Remoteness -A Study in the German Law of Civil Code'. Dr Praful Bala Honta Consultant Gynaecologist Medical Officer Shree Haridar Joshi Government College, Rajasthan talked about medical profession and practices in view of liability with regard to duties of medical practitioners in medical colleges. Ms. Kripa jain Research Cholar of Mohanlal Sukhadia University Udaipur and an almuna of Bhupal Nobles University delivered her talk on the topic 'Liability under Contract: Contractual Liability'. Dr Ashutosh Pitiliya Dean of Law, BNU spoke about liability under Motor vehicle Act.