Reschedule of the Webinar on 27th Sept. 2021, 6:00pm - European Day of Languages - New Googlemeetlink
Kindly note the new googlemeet link for tomorrow's webinar which has been rescheduled due to technical glitch in accessing internet connectivity today evening. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Looking forward to meet you tomorrow at the same time 6:15pm.
Presided by the Hon'ble Professor Nar Bahadur Singhji, President BNU, Udaipur
Special Advisory Member & Guest - Professor Raghubeer Singh Chauhan, Registrar, BNU, Udaipur
6:10pm -
Dr Jayshree Singh, Coordinator of the Program
Welcome of the PANELIST
6:15pm -
Chaired by the Hon'ble Panelist - Dr. Pranjal Kumar Phukan,
Currently Co-Chair of Indian Chamber of Commerce, North East, Assam. Regional General Secretary, CASI Global US
Executive Council Member, GLG, Hong Kong. Brand Ambassador, International Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology, New Delhi. Brand Ambassador- MTC Global, Bangalore. Resource person to Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Kaziranga University Assam. Mentor to Gwalior Incubation Center, Madhya Pradesh. Mentor to Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati.
Hon'ble Featured Speakers' topics of address on the occasion of the European Day of Languages, 26th September, 2021, Sunday, 6:15pm to 7:30pm are -
6:20pm -
Prof. Pawan Surana (Retd.)
Former HOD of European Languages Dept., University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Former Chairperson of Women State Commission, Rajasthan. Former Principal of Maharani College, Jaipur. Honorary President of Indo-German Society, Jaipur.
--Importance of learning German or why German?
6:40pm -
Prof. Joya Chakravarty (Retd.)
Formerly Dean Faculty of Arts, HOD of Education,University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. First Recipient of UGC Career cum Research Award in the Faculty of Arts.
-- English: Architects Worldwide
6:55pm -
Prof. Rajneesh Arora
Director, English and Foreign Languages University, Regional Campus, Shillong, Meghalaya
-- History of ELT in India
7:10pm -
Dr. Nidhi Raisinghani
Asst. Prof., Head of the European Languages Dept., University of Rajasthan, Jaipur -
-- French Language: Future Prospects & Avenues.
7:20pm -
Dr. Sanjay Arora
Associate Professor, HOD English, CURAJ, Kishangarh, Rajasthan. Currently ELTAI Advisory Member & National President.
--- The politics behind literature and language divide in India
7:35pm -
Dr Kamal Singh PRO, BNU Udaipur
Vote of Thanks