Testing Reading Passage with TELL

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx3ZWJza2lsbHN3aWtpZmFsbDIwMTJjb3VydG5leXxneDo3MDFmNjJjY2U0YTAyZTE4 The Argument Against Pound-Foolish Travel By SETH KUGEL Jan Woitas/DPA, via Newscom Sometimes, smart travel means spending an extra few dollars. For example, taking a taxi in Buenos Aires. In 2010, on a choppy boat trip to see Isla del Sol, an island in Lake Titicaca, I had a tip for a grimy backpacker making his way through Latin America.