Web Integration & Interaction via Internet for Text Messaging
Strength of Students in each class is
40 in number. Facilitated with Web Computer lab and English language Digital Lab. COURSE GOAL
The perception towards language teacher education is to be reformulated and redesigned in order to bring not only the autonomy in learners’ engagement to the text and context in the classroom; but also to reestablish the verbal culture of teaching EFL as ESL in the varied categories of learner’s engagement in classroom, in day to day conversation and in official language as required either in public sector or in the corporate sector.
This project aims to analyze not only the conventional and non-conventional procedures to impart ELT in grammar, vocabulary, writing etc.; it also will inquire into the available opportunities as regards abovementioned sources of teaching and learning. It will also undertake the evaluation through questionnaire to discuss the environment granted by using original videos, visual learning text pictures, e-learning (a sort of virtual classroom) and by conventional teaching – learning methods.
In order to draw the difference between “the engaged
learner and disengaged learner” ( Mastropieri, M. & Scruggs, T. The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for
Effective Instruction. 2000) the lesson models will be presented in short.
Lastly the project will try to find out a solution through another
short lesson plan in which the learner and the instructor achieve the desired
goal by way of “transactional theory” (Fish, S.E. Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics. 1980) and
“Foremeaning Response approach” ( Kellem, H. English Teaching Forum. 2009).
These visual clues are of common man’s interest and encourage response as regards natural resource protection and conservation. If the same is used in the language class, lot of exercises can be framed to get the teaching through programmed instruction method but it is computer-based and supported collaborative learning along with cooperative learning interventions.
It raises kinds of substitutes in comprehension and creates a domain-tie for finding the surface knowledge of language structures and deep knowledge for designing the language formation in the comprehensible construction of sentence for ad-designing and podcasts.
There are also possibilities for procuring different possible answers from the learners that suggests their practice and performance simultaneously with the exercises framed for their formative and summative assessment of their previous knowledge and the knowledge that is imparted in the class.
These assignments or exercises in the class or at home done by the learners either independently or with their peers or in groups in class demonstrate their ability to reconstruct their parent language in order to restructure the same into the alternate or substitute language.
It is apt to
quote Charles F. Hockett, who says that, “language deserves autonomous
treatment. The objective study of human language does not achieve its validity
merely through actual or potential “practical” applications, rather language
workings can be better understood if there is tie between language and speech
communities” (A Course in Modern
Linguistics, Oxford & IBH Publ. Co., 1958).
The new myths are to be explored to integrate
tradition with technology in ELT at urban area colleges, because the teachers
still feel incapable to bring argumentative and analytical application of IT in
This follows pro-active approach while teaching course
of their syllabi with the help of social networking resource enterprise.
To have open courseware that can be accessible by
the students living in any corner of the state, district, village or the
To emphasize that the interaction on the websites can be used for
creative skills in teaching and learning activities in colleges for ELT. It
would focus on the usage and application of language skills to create environment
in the classrooms as well as to develop the sense of receiving and transmitting
education to students.
The language teaching and learning in higher education especially in business schools i.e. professional and technical oriented educational colleges has adopted cyber and virtual school platform. The regular professional and technical colleges also do have computer- based training and computer-supported collaborative learning. The reason is it has become convenient to receive education and knowledge from home and the far locations. Secondly the students with learning difficulties and disabilities or have limited language proficiency, get the preferential interventions through such virtual learning environment.
They are able to disseminate not only knowledge of the structure and its usage, but they also have the chance to go through the formative assessment of their knowledge about the language and then to follow –up with the summative assessment that consists of the recapitulation- questions and there is system of multiple choice and objective pattern of testing that helps the students to use their level of cognition, comprehension and cogitation.
The E-learning negotiates linguistic and cultural differences and it broadens cross-disciplinary bases for learning to understand and apply it in one’s own context. These benefits are drawn through such computer softwares that promote guidance, governance and control the performance of not only the learners but also of the teachers or tutors. Both the working units realign their goals, outcome, process and performance with education sector and English language teaching becomes the goals of leadership and the reputation of business metric. Even the corporate sector CEO Michael Schuter conforms to “the language acquisition in order to have productive and dynamic workforce through the implementation of the virtual language training on a company wide basis” (Livemocha, CEO, First Annual Seattle Interactive Conference, 2011).
In order to enhance the common
language factor in the global economic environment and social communication,
the English language as the Second language participates in “building for
growth” (COBIT for IT Governance and Control.com, 2010). Due to the emergence
of English Language as the most popular mode of business economy after the
post-world war era and till date in the twenty-first century, it has
necessitated the urge of the native language speakers to understand the
potentiality of the language programmes and softwares which can generate
community sense and conducive environment for bringing up new opportunities in
the social learning curriculum and in the higher and professional education
syllabi. Different inter-disciplinary fields have emerged to seek professional
education and all fields have their prospects only in gaining the maximum
confidence in communication skills and language proficiency.
http://www.youtube.com/embed/wWnhYIIKY0UA short Documentary on Rain -Water Harvesting (Consciousness - Raising Film)
One can be given these visuals to frame short questions on any of the pictures they have collected from Internet resources related to the topic 'Rainwater Harvesting"Second group can be given the task to write words on the given visual.
Third visual can be used to write captions or poetic lines to describe the poster. Or it can describe the human and non-human objects in the picture. Or the exercise of match words can be framed.Fourth group may be asked to write sentences of fill in the blanks on the uses of water in life. The fifth group of students can be asked to write the benefits of rain harvesting
The leader of each group for example the first one will put questions to the second group. The second group will ask the third group to tell meaning of the words or opposites of the words that have written on a particular visual. The third group will indeed loudly read the written captions, but the other groups can intervene with their own captions on the posters.The fourth group will read loudly the sentences of fill in the blanks written on the uses of water, so that other group of students can participate with curiosity and can recall their previous knowledge to relate with the visual to fill in the blanks.
This sort of teaching challenges and prepares the
teacher to be not only computer literate, but also technologically aware of conducting
teaching-learning lessons. It requires multi-disciplinary skilled teachers and
trainers. This module is simple for a tech-savvy person, but it creates the
possibilities of pre-planning, learning, searching, auditing of the learning
module on the part of the teacher as well as when he/she acts as supervisor,
the students’ groups do undergo the same kind of preparation for making
themselves ready for the assigned task and to interact in class.
Alan C. Mclean in the article “Destroying the teacher: The Need for Learner-Centered Teaching” writes that “We need to see English as essentially an educative subject, linked to the cognitive development of learners, rather than as something isolated from the rest of the curriculum. Unfortunately, in many classrooms throughout the world, little true education takes place. Instead, there is rote learning of material irrelevant to the learners’ interests. We need to be aware of the educational potential of English in such circumstances.
To fully realize this potential we need to look outside the confines of English language teaching itself. There is now a considerable body of work that focuses on the conditions under which children learn most effectively” (Forum, 2012, p.32).
These activities proved potentially encouraging self- capacity building, enhancement of senses towards appreciating the art with language in context of particularly demography and geographical physical features and locations of the students.
Secondly found it very cordial to involve themselves and to improve upon their perceptual identification of the visuals with specific vocabulary, perceptual selection of words to exchange their expressions as regards selected visuals or given visuals, then there was perceptual development to all language applications skills i.e. spatial, kinetic, logical and analytic.
When it was found that students at initial level are unable to understand the meaning of words used in the meritnation.com vocabulary game then students were allowed to use pocket dictionary or mobile phone dictionary, students were asked beforehand to think about poems or stories about rain so that there problem to use concerned vocabulary in context of rain, the culture of the natives and their manner of preserving water resources can be made easier and reinvigorating
Mechanics in writing
(penmanship, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, margin, indention and neatness) – 3
Content (interesting, richness) – 3 points
Vocabulary used (high sounding) – 2 points
Organization (Smooth flow in the presentation of ideas) – 3 points
Total Points – 10
Parts-of-Speech, Vocabulary
Follow guidelines – 2 point
Article + noun
Adjective + conjunctionVerb + conjunction + verb
AdverbNoun (Relating to the noun in the first line line)Sensible ideas (topic) in composition – 3 points
Vocabulary choice (appropriateness, high sounding) – 3 points
Spelling, Neatness – 2 points
Spelling, Neatness – 2 points
Total Points – 10
Assessing Friendship Portfolio (SMS, Email etc,)
Promptness to assemble and finish task on time – 2.5 points
Member’s cooperation in the discussion and work – 2.5 points
Clarity and smoothness in the discussion of the topic/task with the class – 2.5 points
Use of English in the discussion – 2.5 points
Total Points – 10
CONCLUSIONThus social conscience and social responsibility is instilled through computer supported collaborative learning, while the teacher realises the need of computer literacy along with language proficiency, preferences and new perception.