Sample Lesson Plan -   Knowledge-Building with Enhanced Web-Technology Learning


  2. TOUR COMMENTARY (Listening Acitivity)

Language Teaching Summary: Work on Travel Vocabulary, Reading Travel  
And to write about journey/voyages/excursions/trips

Strength : Large class of 100 students
Minimum 40 students

Level:                                                 Intermediate and above

Time:                                                 Six Days of a Week

Level of Learners and Setting

In 1923, it was under the patronage of the then prince, and later, the 75th Maharana of Mewar. Shri Bhupal Singhji, those two devotees of education and learning. Mamaji Maharaj Aman Singhji of Ralawta and Rao Bahadur Th. Raj Singhji of Bedla, initiated this institution as a Primary School (Court of Wards' School). In 1929. This school was upgraded as Bhupal Nobles' High School and then to graduate and post graduate level, affiliated to Mohanlal Sukhadia University of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

BNPG College, (Affiliated to Mohanlal Sukhadia University) Udaipur (Rajasthan) India

Course Goals :
(ABCD Model)
  • Cognitive (comprehension) level:The new myths are to be explored to integrate tradition with technology in ELT at urban area colleges, because the teachers still feel incapable to bring argumentative and analytical application of IT in ELT. 
  • Cognitive (application) level: This follows pro-active approach while teaching course of their syllabi with the help of social networking resource enterprise. 
  • Cognitive (problem solving/synthesis) level: To have open course-ware that can be accessible by the students living in any corner of the state, district, village or the country. 
  • Psychomotor level: To emphasize that the interaction on the websites can be used for creative skills in teaching and learning activities in colleges for ELT. 
  • Affective Level: It would focus on the usage and application of language skills to create environment in the classrooms as well as to develop the sense of receiving and transmitting education to students.

Students needs and issues to start this project

The language teaching and learning in higher education especially in business schools i.e. professional and technical oriented educational colleges has adopted cyber and virtual school platform. The regular professional and technical colleges also do have computer- based training and computer-supported collaborative learning. The reason is it has become convenient to receive education and knowledge from home and the far locations. Secondly the students with learning difficulties and disabilities or have limited language proficiency, get the preferential interventions through such virtual learning environment. 

They are able to disseminate not only knowledge of the structure and its usage, but they also have the chance to go through the formative assessment of their knowledge about the language and then to follow –up with the summative assessment that consists of the   recapitulation- questions and there is system of multiple choice and objective pattern of testing that helps the students to use their level of cognition, comprehension and cogitation. 

The E-learning negotiates linguistic and cultural differences and it broadens cross-disciplinary bases for learning to understand and apply it in one’s own context. These benefits are drawn through such computer softwares that promote guidance, governance and control the performance of not only the learners but also of the teachers or tutors. Both the working units realign their goals, outcome, process and performance with education sector and English language teaching becomes the goals of leadership and the reputation of business metric. Even the corporate sector CEO Michael Schuter conforms to “the language acquisition in order to have productive and dynamic workforce through the implementation of the virtual language training on a company wide basis” (Livemocha, CEO, First Annual Seattle Interactive Conference, 2011). 

Testing previous Knowledge:   (Pre-Reading Activity)

Your Crossword Puzzle
The below word(s) could not be used :


















1. The act of going from one place to another
4. that connects things
6. Promise of reimbursement in the case of loss.
8. the system that provides medical care
10. the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist
13. the business activity connected with providing accommodation, services and entertainment for people who are visiting a place for pleasure
14. that can be reached, used
15. the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm
16. a person who helps or instructs about something
17. a place to which sb/sth is going or being sent
18. a person who is travelling a place for pleasure
2. The system of production and distribution and consumption
3. an advantage that something gives you
5. the history, traditions and qualities that a society has had for many centuries
7. the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings
9. a supply of something that can be used
10. the activity of going to shops to buy clothes
11. a belief, custom or way of doing sth that has existed before for a long tome among a particular group of people
12. the customs and beliefs, art, way of life of a country or group
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 (While Reading Activity)

Understanding the difference between Physical Features map, Political Map and Tours and Travel Destination Map along with Transportation/Road Map and Searching Destinations from Google ----INTERACTIVE PPT

Objective of the Lesson:
  1. To transcode information from all the different types of texts and maps on Net for travel time, information, itinerary, and transportation
  2. To consult a dictionary on the Net in order to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words
  3. To record information in note form
  4. To reorganise , analyze, interpret, and to infer  and to evaluate the information for planning a travel/trekking/an adventure journey.

    Student Name:     ________________________________________
Procedure for ELT Purpose and Practice:


1.    She will present different pictorial maps to review previous knowledge
2.    She will  ask students to surf the following html. Link for gaining information about different  maps*GeoUSCA*_-Search-__reading%20maps&s=awppc26&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=reading%20maps&utm_campaign=ppc26-06&f=1
3.    She will ask students to note down a few selected Memoirs on Travels from

4.    She will ask students to locate the site on travel and tours information in Udaipur for choosing their travel destination, for example:
http ://

5.    To frame questions for exchanging information, completing itinerary, for studying maps
Student (the classroom activities - offline)

6. To make their own webpage to post comments on the information gathered and exchanged.

7. To start a new class on the http:// internet assistant classroom in order to write their reflections and new searches they would do during the survey of maps or destinations or travel information.

8. Students are to report their findings, circulate next week travel on the notice board or to write their own travel experiences on

9. Students can upload their all details of profile, their reflections and their comments on loaded in document file

Components of Classroom Post- Reading Activities

1.    Work as individuals: (Activity -1) Vocabulary and knowledge building activities for map reading and travel information (Spelling, pronunciation and meaning through dictation)

2.    Work in pairs: (Activity - 2) To note different memoirs written on travels from the above given web-link and write ten lines on each memoir

3.   Work in groups:(Activity -3) To note down itinerary and travel transportation/companies sites for a particular destination i.e.  Udaipur

Sample Lesson- Activities (Offline)
  • Visual- clips on Flash cards for different maps
  • Verbal clues –  photocopies of extracts from famous travel memoirs
  • Clipcards with Travel vocabulary and meaning/with picures
  • Brain-mapping exercise to list items one would normally need on a trip
  • Reordering of jumbled up itinerary plan displayed on the projector-slides
  • Marking the route and plan the trip

Assessment *(Offline)

In order to help the students to understand the chronological sequence as well as to record information in the note form:

1.    All notes of the students as regards map-reading and travel information/organisations, itinerary and transportation will be displayed in class by each on the charts made available to them while working in groups

2.    Make a poster for showcase in which Travel Memoirs and the synopsis

3.    Draw /Paste and Label the different types of maps and display in class

(Assessment - Online) Recapitulation of the Whole class-work (Activity -4)

  1. To ask students to go around and read the charts/posters showcased in the class-flex boards/walls -----(by creating their wall on
  2.    To post their comments as regards the presentation on posters/charts about memoirs and their synopsis.

Score of 6
Exemplary Organization
· Strategically placed topic sentence
· Clear and logical order
· Strong introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and concluding paragraph
· Sophisticated transition within and between sentences, ideas and paragraphs
Exemplary Development
·   Sophisticated development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
·   Sophisticated thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
·   Well executed progression of ideas
·   Strong use of examples, evidence or relevant details
·   Strong use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes
Exemplary Sentence Structure
·   Sophisticated and well controlled sentences
·   Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)
·   Variation of phrases and clauses (gerund, participial, infinitive; subordinate clauses)
Exemplary Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
·  Vivid, precise,/concise, relevant, Consistent grammar usage
Ø Subject/verb agreement
Ø Singular/plural nouns
Ø Verb (tense and usage)
Ø Pronoun usage
Ø Adjective/Adverb
Exemplary Mechanics
·   May have minor errors
Ø Punctuation
Ø Capitalization
Ø Spelling
·  Needs little or no editing
Score of 5
Effective Organization
· Effectively placed topic sentence
· Clear and logical order
· Introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and concluding paragraph
· Purposeful transition within and between sentences, ideas and paragraphs
Effective Development
·   Appropriate development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
·   Appropriate thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
·   Clear progression of ideas
·   Clear use of examples, evidence or relevant details
·   Clear use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes
Effective Sentence Structure
·   Complete and correct sentences
·   Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)
·   Variation of phrases and clauses
(gerund, participial, infinitive; subordinate clauses)
Effective Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
·  Appropriate, precise/concise, clear
·  Mostly consistent grammar usage
Ø Subject/verb agreement
Ø Singular/plural nouns
Ø Verb (tense and usage)
Ø Pronoun usage
Ø Adjective/Adverb
Effective Mechanics
·   Few errors
Ø Punctuation
Ø Capitalization
Ø Spelling
·  Needs some editing
Score of 4
Adequate Organization
· Clearly stated topic sentence
· Evidence of a logical order
· Introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and concluding paragraph
· Appropriate transition within and between sentences, ideas and paragraphs
Adequate Development
·   Sufficient development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
·   Sufficient thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
·   Progression of ideas
·   Sufficient use of examples, evidence and/or relevant details
·   Sufficient use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes
Adequate Sentence Structure
·   Complete and correct sentences
·   Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)
    (errors in more complex sentence structure  
    do not detract)
·   Variation of phrases and clauses (gerund, participial, infinitive; subordinate clauses)
Adequate Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
·  Appropriate, specific
·  Somewhat consistent grammar usage
Ø Subject/verb agreement
Ø Singular/plural nouns
Ø Verb (tense and usage)
Ø Pronoun usage
Ø Adjective/Adverb
Adequate Mechanics
·   Some errors
Ø Punctuation
Ø Capitalization
Ø Spelling
·    Needs editing but doesn’t impede   
Score of 3
Limited Organization
· Poorly stated topic sentence
· Some evidence of organization
· Introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph with limited supporting paragraphs
· Repetitive use of transition
Limited Development
·   Limited development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
·   Limited thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
·   Limited progression of ideas
·   Limited use of examples, evidence and/or relevant details
·   Limited use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes
Limited Sentence Structure
·   Minor errors in sentence structure
·   Limited sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)
    (errors in more complex sentence structure  
    begin to detract)
·   Limited use of phrases and clauses (gerund, participial, infinitive; subordinate clauses)
Limited Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
·  Vague, redundant, simplistic
·  Several inconsistencies in grammar usage
Ø Subject/verb agreement
Ø Singular/plural nouns
Ø Verb (tense and usage)
Ø Pronoun usage
Ø Adjective/Adverb
Limited Mechanics
·   Frequent errors
Ø Punctuation
Ø Capitalization
Ø Spelling
·  Begins to impede readability
Score of 2
Minimal Organization/Minimal Response
· Lack of acceptable topic sentence
· Lacks clear organizational pattern, sequencing of ideas and/or paragraphing
· May lack introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and/or concluding paragraph
· Ineffective or overused transition
Minimal Development/Minimal Response
·   Minimal development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
·   Minimal thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
·   Lacks a logical progression of ideas
·   Minimal use of examples, and/or relevant details
·   Minimal use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes
Minimal Sentence Structure/Minimal Response
·   Contains fragments and/or run-ons
·   Minimal sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)
    (errors in sentence structure detract)
·   Minimal use of phrases and clauses (gerund, participial, infinitive; subordinate clauses)
Minimal Word Choice/ Grammar Usage/Minimal Response
·  Inadequate, imprecise, repetitive
·  Frequent inconsistencies in grammar usage
Ø Subject/verb agreement
Ø Singular/plural nouns
Ø Verb (tense and usage)
Ø Pronoun usage
Ø Adjective/Adverb
Minimal Mechanics/Minimal Response
·   Consistent errors
Ø Punctuation
Ø Capitalization
Ø Spelling
·   Impedes readability

Score of 1
Inadequate Organization
· Lacks stated topic
· No logical pattern; difficult to follow
· Inadequate paragraphing
· Little or no transition
Inadequate Development
·   Little or no development of the topic for narrative and descriptive writing
·   Unclear thesis statement and development of informative and persuasive writing
·   Unclear or no focus
·   Few or no examples, evidence and/or relevant details
·   Little use of analogies, illustrations or anecdotes
Inadequate Sentence Structure
·   Contains numerous fragments and/or run-ons
·   Little or no sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)
    (errors in sentence structure detract)
·   Little or no use of phrases and clauses (gerund, participial, infinitive; subordinate clauses)
Inadequate Word Choice/ Grammar Usage
·  Rambling, inappropriate, incorrect, unclear
·  Distracting inconsistencies in grammar usage
Ø Subject/verb agreement
Ø Singular/plural nouns
Ø Verb (tense and usage)
Ø Pronoun usage
Ø Adjective/Adverb
Inadequate Mechanics
·  Serious and consistent errors
Ø Punctuation
Ø Capitalization
Ø Spelling
·   Impedes understanding/communication

  1. Home - Assignment - (on their websites made on 
  2. To access the websites given in the primary source to plan and prepare their set of notes ( to write the reflections on travel tips, destinations and adventures on internet assistant classroom 
  3. To write a notice for your school/college bulletin board, inviting other students to take part in the trek. (

Follow-up Variations - (Activity -5)
This can be set up as a typical travel agent scenario with some students having the tasks and other students being travel agents using the Net to get the information. As the travel agents will be very busy, encourage the customers to make small talk as they sit waiting for the answers –just like in real life!

Video Talk - Show - Travel Destination(Question-Answer Session)

  1. What would your dream holiday be?
  2. Where would you like to go?
  3. What would you do?
  4. Who would go with you?
  5. How would you travel?
  6. How do you like to travel?
  7. How do you usually travel during the week?
  8. And at the weekend?
  9. Do you prefer a car or bicycle to public transport? Why?
  10. How do you travel when you go on a Holiday?
  11. What is the longest flight you have ever been on?
  12. What about the longest boat trip / train or coach journey? 

Rubrics for Activity -5


    Teacher Name: Dr. SINGH 

Questions & Answers
Excellent, in-depth questions were asked by host and excellent answers supported by facts were provided by all talk show members.
Questions requiring factual answers were asked by the host and correct, in-depth answers were provided by all talk show members.
Questions requiring factual answers were asked by the host and correct answers were provided by several of the talk show members.
Answers were provided by only 1-2 talk show members.
Interest and Purpose
Video has a clear and interesting purpose.
Video is interesting but purpose is somewhat unclear.
Video is not very interesting and purpose is somewhat unclear.
Video is not interesting and has no discernable purpose.
Titles and Credits
All titles and credits are accurate, legible and draw the viewer\'s attention.
Most titles and credits are accurate, legible and draw the viewer\'s attention.
Some titles and credits are accurate, legible and draw the viewer\'s attention.
Few (less than 75%) titles and credits are accurate, legible and draw the viewer\'s attention.
Length of Video
Video was 12-15 minutes long.
Video was 11-12 minutes long.
Video was 8-9 minutes long.
Video was less than 8 or more than 15 minutes long.
Videography -Clarity
Video did not rock/shake and the focus was excellent throughout.
Video did not rock/shake and the focus was excellent for the majority of the video.
Video had a little rocking/shaking, but the focus was excellent throughout .
Problems with rocking/shaking AND focus.
Many different \"takes\", camera angles, sound effects, and/or careful of use of zoom provided variety in the video.
Several (3-4) different \"takes\", camera angles, sound effects, and/or careful of use of zoom provided variety in the video.
One or two different \"takes\", camera angles, sound effects, and/or careful of use of zoom provided variety in the video.
Little attempt was made to provide variety in the video.
Costume & Props
All students wore costumes and the group used some props.
Some students wore costumes and the group used some props.
Students wore no costumes, but the group used some props.
No costumes and no props were used.

Date Created: Nov 26, 2012 09:40 am (CST)

Copyright © 2000-2007 Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia ALTEC

Activity -6

  1. TOUR COMMENTARY (Listening Acitivity)

4 Teachers Tools

    Literature Circle - Listening and Sharing : taxi tour in new delhi

    Teacher Name: Dr. singh

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Follows Along
Student is on the correct page and is actively reading along (eyes move along the lines) or finger is following words being read aloud by others.
Student is on the correct page and usually appears to be actively reading, but looks at the reader or the pictures occasionally. Can find place easily when called upon to read.
Student is on the correct page and seems to read along occasionally. May have a little trouble finding place when called upon to read.
Student is on the wrong page OR is clearly reading ahead or behind the person who is reading aloud.
Student seems to understand entire story and accurately answers 3 questions related to the story.
Student seems to understand most of the story and accurately answers 2 questions related to the story.
Student understands some parts of the story and accurately answers 1 question related to the story.
Student has trouble understanding or remembering most parts of the story.
Participates Willingly
Student routinely volunteers answers to questions and willingly tries to answer questions s/he is asked.
Student volunteers once or twice and willingly tries to all questions s/he is asked.
Student does not volunteer answers, but willing tries to answer questions s/he is asked.
Student does not willingly participate.
think about places/characters
Respects Others
Student listens quietly, does not interrupt, and stays in assigned place without distracting fidgeting.
Student listens quietly and does not interrupt. Moves a couple of times, but does not distract others.
Student interrupts once or twice, but comments are relevant. Stays in assigned place without distracting movements.
Student interrupts often by whispering, making comments or noises that distract others OR moves around in ways that distract others.

Date Created: Nov 26, 2012 09:25 am (CST)


Learning Styles Addressed:
    • Websites showing maps, itinerary, travel time/data-information/organizations/transportation etc.
    • Visual and aural oral video clipping
    • Written narrative
    • Written description of a place
    Behavioral Level Inputs:

    • Cognition-Comprehension-application-synthesis through -  Pair-work/ group-work/individual for chart/poster presentations
    • Development of the Skills (Degree)
    • Vocabulary building
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Paragraph- Writing for diary/memoir purpose


    1. “Adventure and Trekking”, Main Course Book-Interact In English (1992),Central Board of Secondary Education: New Delhi.

    Reference material:

    1. Dudency, Gavin ((2000),”The London Sightseeing Tour”, The Internet and the Language Classroom- APractical Guide for Teachers, Cambridge University Press: UK.
    2. Grellet, Francoise ((1981), “Understanding Meaning: Non-Linguistic Response to the Text”, Developing Reading Skills, Cambridge University Press: UK.

    Primary Source:                                 Travel Information Sites:

    Secondary Source:

    1.       http ://



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